GDPR & Data Protection
Mind in Kingston takes data protection and privacy very seriously. Our General Data Protection Policy covers our obligations under the Data Protection Act, and sets out what data we collect and process externally and internally. You can download the full policy by clicking on MiK GDPR & Data Protection Policy V2 .
As part of our data protection policies, we have a Privacy Policy for the Internet and we have also written a Privacy Policy for Beneficiaries.
The Privacy Policy for the Internet details what we do with any data that is accessed by using our website and our social media pages. You can see the full policy by clicking here. The policy is listed under the ‘About Us’ tab which you can find at the top of the screen.
The Privacy Policy for Beneficiaries details what happens to the data we collect and store when you use our services, how long we keep it and what your rights are as an individual. You can access the full policy by clicking on MiK GDPR Privacy Notice For Beneficiaries V2.
The main points of the policy are:
- what data we collect (we collect data such as your name, address, phone number, email address and details about your mental health issues – or that of the person you are calling about)
- where we store it (we store data either in lockable drawers/ cupboards in the office or on our secure IT system)
- why we collect it (we collect data to provide beneficiaries with support, advice and information, and to refer to other relevant services; some of this is collected on a lawful basis, some for legitimate business reasons)
- when we might share data (to refer you to another service or get additional support for you; this will always be discussed with you and consent will be sought first)
- how long we keep it for (we keep data for different periods, depending on the law, terms and conditions of grant agreements or contracts and how long you receive a service from us)
- your rights (you can amend your data, have it deleted, have it transferred, limit what is recorded and/ or shared, and have access to your data)
If you have any questions, please contact the Data Protection Officer Rachel Dykins at