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Peter’s Great North Swim (Windermere 5K)
Hi, my name is Peter and I volunteer weekly with Kingston Mind. I help to staff their ‘Advice & Information Telephone Support Line’, taking calls from adults within the borough and dealing with a range of different enquiries.
I also work as part of the Operations Team for Surrey Arts Music Service in Guildford, placing peripatetic teachers in primary/secondary schools countywide. In addition, I tutor English/Maths/11+ prep to local primary children during term time. Over the past four years, I’ve enjoyed mentoring on the ‘Beyond Barriers’ programme at Kingston University, which offers support to under-represented students as part of their EDI framework.
I’ve recently joined Mind in Kingston having previously been a volunteer counsellor for NSPCC/Childline, where I offered weekly counselling shifts at their central London office between 2018-2023. I’m passionate about striving for mental health, helping to empower individuals to gain the support & respect they deserve in order to lead full and active lives.
I have always been a keen swimmer, transitioning to open water events in 2016. I have completed a six-person channel relay in aid of adults with spinal injuries (Aspire) and also swum the Solent from Portsmouth to the Isle of Wight. Last year I entered the Coniston End to End challenge in the Lake District. In 2024 I’m looking forward in returning to Cumbria, to complete a Windermere 5K swim organised by Chillswim.
Many, many thanks for supporting me to raise valuable funds for my nominated charity.