The service is funded by South West London & St George’s Mental Health Trust (SWLSGT) and delivered by Mind in Kingston in partnership with SWLSGT and local voluntary organisations.  This is open to people with severe mental illness (SMI) who are service users of the mental health trust. Our partners work together to offer group and one-to-one peer support focusing on their aspirations and goals and using lived experience of mental health issues as a positive way of connecting with others.

Please check here for further updates on the service. For any enquiries, please email  or call 020 8255 3939 

Other support for mental wellbeing

If peer support is not for you right now, please check out our other services. You can call us for advice and information between 9:30am-4:30pm Monday to Friday on 020 8255 3939 or email us at

We are also looking for people to provide peer support for our Physical Activities and for our peer-led groups.

Our Funders