Your support can help us ensure that no one faces a mental health issue alone.
We are an independent charity that is responsible for delivering our own local services and obtaining our own income and fundraising. Your donation can make all the difference.
Why should you support us?
Mind in Kingston works across the London Borough of Kingston and beyond to provide quality mental health services, such as Counselling, Physical Activities, Peer Support and Art Therapy. Our Advice Line supports people to access local mental health information and we campaign on mental health issues. Some of our services are not funded and rely on donations and fundraising income.
Your support will help maintain these services and ensure we can reach as many people as possible to have better mental health.
Donate Today
Considering making your gift a regular donation?
By donating to Mind in Kingston on a regular basis you will help us to plan for the future with more certainty and help even more people experiencing mental health problems in the long term.
You can choose how much you want to donate each time. For instance:
will provide art materials for someone to attend our Art Therapy sessions
will provide a subsidised place on one of our Wellbeing Wednesday Courses
will cover the costs of a counselling session
Making a donation by bank or post?
Post: Please make cheques payable to ‘Mind in Kingston’ and send to Mind in Kingston, The Old Post Office, 1 Brook street, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2HA.
If you wish for your donation to go a specific service or project, please include a short letter or note.
Bank transfer: Transfer to Mind in Kingston. Sort Code: 40-52-40, Account number: 00024507. Please ensure you include your name or organisation name on the transfer.
When sending your donation to Mind in Kingston please let our Finance Officer Ronnie Hannah know it is on the way and we will be able to confirm its arrival. You can email him at or address your note or letter to him.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer, you can help us increase the amount you donate by completing a Gift Aid declaration form. Gift Aid is reclaimed by a charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.
This allows us to claim 25p for every £1 donated. It will cost you nothing.
Click here to complete the Gift Aid declaration or you can download a form here.
Other ways to donate
You can donate to Mind in Kingston via the Charities Aid Foundation bank website by clicking here.
You can donate via Just Giving, which is a donation platform. You can make a single donation, or support a fundraiser. Or if you feel a bit more daring, you can organise a fundraiser yourself – previous fundraisers have done everything from marathons, bike rides, walks and even shaving their head.
Leaving a legacy in your will is another way of donating. Charities are exempt of inheritance tax which means that any amount you wish to leave is wholly for the charity.
You will need to instruct your solicitor when creating your will that you wish to leave a legacy. If you have already made your will, you can add a Codicil to your will – which adds the legacy to your existing will. For more information click here.